

“The skills my son is learning are generalizing to other environments. I am thankful for the Sunny Day social group.”


“My son enjoys attending the social group.  He looks forward to the next gathering with his friends.”


Ms. Sandra is loving, professional and determined to help each child. She gathers and uses her education and experience and applies it to each individual child TO MEET THAT CHILD’S INDIVIDUAL NEEDS. Ms. Sandra is NOT a robot teacher. I wish Ms. Sandra could move in!


Ms. Sandra is loving, professional and determined to help each child. She gathers and uses her education and experience and applies it to each individual child TO MEET THAT CHILD’S INDIVIDUAL NEEDS. Ms. Sandra is NOT a robot teacher. I wish Ms. Sandra could move in!

Mr & Mrs. Pasyavala

We are grateful for the coaching, encouragement, step by step directions you provided us so we can teach him personal self care skills. Thank you for being apart of our son’s life.

T. Person

You have a true gift and have always had the best interest of our special babies at heart.

C. Wilson

You are truly a blessing. You have my child reading and doing addition. Thank you so much for all you have done for my family.

A.P, Henrico, VA

Hands down, I recommend Sandra Thompson to every family who have a Differently Abled Child.

Mr. K, Henrico, VA

I am so happy with your services, my son is making progress, which I never imagined.

C. Hogan, Midlothian, VA

Sandra doesn’t have a magic wand, but I feel like she has empowered me to create some magic with my own kid.


To be honest, strengthening him in academics was just a perk/bonus compared to what she deposited into our family mentally and spiritually. Teaching me how to teach him, giving me the tools to adjust my mental state to accommodate HIS GROWTH AT THE PACE HE NEEDED TO FLOURISH AND SOAR! Michael is now reading at a strong 2nd-grade level and can make his bed, sort laundry, sweep, vacuum, and cook sausage/waffles. To other families that’s nothing, but for us, it’s a gift we are forever grateful for. Thank you, Ms. . Sandra

Augustine Family

My husband and I have been desperate to help our disabled son become potty trained. When I reached out to my local, support group on Facebook several Moms immediately told me to contact Sandra! I trust this group so much; I knew if several Moms referred the same person, this person would be helpful! I contacted Sandra- She was fabulous; she showed up so happy and positive, and we immediately agreed on a plan. Long story short, my son made more progress once we started working with Sandra than ever before!! Highly recommend working with Sandra!


Sandra, you have taught me to be okay with not responding to everything my child says or does. It’s okay to not respond because of my nonresponse is a response.


Sandra is more than my parent coach; she is my therapist. She listens, understands, and holds me accountable. She has a way of being gentle, yet lets me know when I am getting off course. I appreciate her guidance, support, and nonjudgmental approach.

~Harding Family

We have been working with Ms. Sandra for about a year in a half and prior to working with her our daughter wasn’t sleeping in her own bed, wasn’t making progress to being toilet trained and we found ourselves in a space of just trying to survive. I am excited to share that she is sleeping in her own bed – in her bedroom, all night and is now able to tell us when she needs to use the bathroom, she is no longer in pull-ups at school and is successfully using the toilet. We see that the sky is truly the limit for our daughter and her ability. We have taken more trips together as a family and have the confidence to continue to expose her to her natural environment without feeling the need to keep her sheltered. We truly feel like anything is possible for her and it is with the support and guidance of Ms. Sandra that this is possible. She has been so caring and kind but also bring a level of accountability to us as parents and to our daughter that we desperately needed. She got us out of survival mode and now our entire family is thriving and truly enjoying this amazing journey.