We have been working with Ms. Sandra for about a year in a half and prior to working with her our daughter wasn’t sleeping in her own bed, wasn’t making progress to being toilet trained and we found ourselves in a space of just trying to survive. I am excited to share that she is sleeping in her own bed – in her bedroom, all night and is now able to tell us when she needs to use the bathroom, she is no longer in pull-ups at school and is successfully using the toilet. We see that the sky is truly the limit for our daughter and her ability. We have taken more trips together as a family and have the confidence to continue to expose her to her natural environment without feeling the need to keep her sheltered. We truly feel like anything is possible for her and it is with the support and guidance of Ms. Sandra that this is possible. She has been so caring and kind but also bring a level of accountability to us as parents and to our daughter that we desperately needed. She got us out of survival mode and now our entire family is thriving and truly enjoying this amazing journey.