Learning about starting a small business is a skill students can take with them for life and use it at any time to promote self-sufficiency and independence

What is Entrepreneur Discovery?

Entrepreneur Discovery is a program designed by two Entrepreneurs and Educators, Sandra Thompson, Founder of Sandra L. Thompson & Associates, and Dr. Zipporah Levi-Shackleford, Founder of Creative Approach Development Center to provide neurodiverse youth with the opportunity to design a post-secondary plan that was not dependent on enrolling in a college or university program. Through their years in operation working with neurodiverse youth and their families, Sandra and Zipporah recognized many neurodiverse youths do not have a post-secondary plan because of their challenges in the academic setting. In addition to this, their support teams often disregard plan development because they believe college is not appropriate for the student and rather direct them towards employment in a service role or if the student has significant learning needs or developmental disabilities, enrollment in a day support program.

While these are all options for students after completing high school, Sandra and Zipporah wanted to bring awareness to the option of becoming a small business owner as well. They find the students they work with often have talents, skills, and ideas that can easily be fostered into self-employment opportunities that will address issues that often occur later in life such as
dependence on government assistance, poverty, mental illness, and living a life of a lesser, more limited quality compared to their neurotypical peers. It has also been noted that we live in a time where creativity, diversity, and entrepreneurship are being celebrated and encouraged with the development of resources, systems, and tools that makes the endeavor more accessible.

Entrepreneur Discovery is an immersive program that introduces participants to the world of small business through instruction, discussion, and hands-on projects and activities. Participants will be led through exercises that will help them identify their strengths, skills, and talents that can be used to create a small business. Instruction is provided in a differentiated format making it appropriate for participants with diverse learning needs and styles. The curriculums also focus on
important skills needed for operating a business such as:

  • Social Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Planning & Organization
  • Customer Service
  • Basic Marketing
  • Basic Finance & Budgeting

Entrepreneur Discovery Academy

Starting Fall 2022, The Entrepreneur Discovery Program will offer a variety of classes and workshops for students interested in learning how to start their own small businesses.

Students will learn about the process of starting a business and get assistance and guidance from local entrepreneurs. Details, announcements, and schedules will be shared mid-late summer. To stay in the know, fill out the form below to have everything delivered straight to your inbox.